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How to motivate yourself?

Tisha Jain

Updated: Dec 26, 2021


Today I'll tell you 10 locks to open the door to motivation!!

How to motivate yourself?

NOW, I'll tell you 10 locks and you need to follow them to open the door and escape from unmotivated room to motivated room. OK!

Let's start it now,

If we'll not start it, we would be locked in unmotivated room, but whatever happens we need to escape from unmotivated room to motivated room in 1,2,3 go!!

Let's startt!!

1. Just Start

You can deal with those negative feelings later on, at the right time. Instead, try setting aside all of the negative emotions and simply START.

As the famous writer Mark Twain once said: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

2. Break Tasks Down Into Smaller Steps

Again, there’s a reason so many people recommend that you use this tactic when trying to motivate yourself – sometimes it’s the simplest things done well that work the best.

Here’s a method to help you find motivation to get things done: Write down what you need to do on a piece of paper. Then, write down every single step you need to take to make it happen. Finally, ignore everything except the step you’re working on.

Remember, you can’t do everything at once. That’s why the painter Vincent Van Gogh said, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

3. Create a Positive Mindset

Getting motivated is almost impossible if you’re looking at the situation from a negative viewpoint. On the other hand, positivity can be energising and help you to motivate yourself.

So, pause and ask yourself, “what’s good about this situation?”

As the author Catherine Pulsifer said, “If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a great day it usually is.”

4. Create a Feeling of Gratitude

One of the quickest ways to feel good about yourself is to practice gratitude – it’s almost entirely impossible to feel low and grateful at the same time.

To practice gratitude, start by writing down three things you’re grateful for. These could be anything – from your morning coffee, to your pet, or even the comfortable chair you sit on.

Ideally, you could make this part of your daily routine to find everyday motivation.

Henry Ward Beecher said, “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”

5. Be Kind to Yourself

When you procrastinate or make a mistake, it’s easy to beat yourself up. In fact, if you’re like many people, you may find that you internally “speak” to yourself in a mean way.

If you notice yourself doing this, pause and try to speak to yourself kindly instead. You wouldn’t speak to someone else that way, so why do it to yourself? You deserve your own kindness.

Try to remember your true inherent value as a human being. Then, allow yourself to gently come back to the task at hand.

Scott Adams said,Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

6. Be Constructive

When you realize you’ve made a mistake or finally bring yourself back from a procrastination session, you have a golden opportunity to learn and improve.

Ask yourself , “Why did I make this mistake? How can I avoid making the same mistake in the future?”

If you do this and act on what you learn, you’ll transform mistakes into opportunities.

The entrepreneur Arianna Huffington said, “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”

9. Imagine Your Future If You Don’t Change

This tip can make inspiring yourself easy: Instead of focusing on the change you want, imagine the life you’ll have if you don’t stay motivated.

Ask yourself , “What will life be like in one year, five years, and ten years?”

Here’s a motivational quote from an anonymous wise person: “You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.”

10. Reflect on How Far You’ve Come

How often do you pause, reflect, and appreciate how far you’ve come?

If you’re like many people, you probably don’t give yourself enough credit for all the growth you’ve gone through.

Take a few minutes to close your eyes and remember your successes, however small – relive and feel into them.

Do this often to help you stay motivated.

Ernest Holmes said, Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.


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